Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Five Mug of Coffee per Day It's Too Much

If previous studies revealed that coffee consumption will help you lose weight and reduce the risk of diabetes, these latest findings as the result denied. Researchers from the University of Western Australia found that excessive coffee consumption will only make overweight.

The study published in the Journal of the report of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, which focuses on testing the content of chlorogenic acid (CGA). One of the researchers, Professor Kevin Croft of the University of Western Australia, revealed that chlorogenic acid, present in coffee may affect the metabolism of fat and cells. This contributes to weight gain and insulin resistance.

Many good benefits of CGA can be used by the body. Of which increases insulin sensitivity, reduces blood pressure, and reduce the accumulation of body fat. However, please note that if excessive consumption will not benefit. Five to six cups of coffee a day is not a good idea to do.

Other researchers, Vance Matthews, from the Western Australian Institute for Medical Research, added that drinking coffee is a lifestyle choice will, but try not too much. The dose must necessarily be appropriate for the condition of the body. Suppose, at most three or four cups of coffee a day can still reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.

Professor Croft said, rather than buying expensive coffee but not necessarily nutritious for the body, it would be better if you know the benefits of what is consumed by the new first decided to buy it. Lest they want to look trendy, and have the lifestyle drink coffee every time.

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