Friday, June 7, 2013

Unique Wedding Tradition

Weddings should be fun. But in some places, it is quite unique wedding traditions even disturbing.

In this country, the bride is required to cry for a month until the day of her wedding. Not only that, this ritual followed by a crying festival, which was attended by all the women in her family. And on her wedding day, the bride will sing sad that the blue.

It's her wedding traditions that may be quite disturbing. His name, Charivari, where the tradition of the newlyweds will be visited by neighbors and relatives who will make noise outside the house segaduh possible, by hitting banging pans for example. Charivari began after taking the wedding vows. This tradition has been carried out since the middle ages.

Scent bride will probably be made into sebau bachelor party at night. The bride will be bound and then doused with spoiled food, the rest of the oil, sour milk or whatever stale and came from a dumpster. While the groom will be made drunk alcohol. Meaning of this tradition is in preparation in the face of married life that much more difficult and more challenging.

Bride unlawful use of high heels. Because after the wedding ceremony, friends and family will form a carpet lined sleeping man and the bride will walk over their bodies to the bridal chamber.

Precisely in northern East Kalimantan, ritual adopted Tidung. Bridal couples are prohibited from using the bathroom for three days and three nights after their wedding day. Even to prevent cheating, family members took turns keeping the bathroom. This ritual is believed to bring longevity and a happy married life.

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