Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Successful tricks Collect Donations

Every day, there's always the bad things that happened to the people around us. Perhaps, you are one person who is very concerned about the fate of others who suffer and moved to help them. And, you know that act alone will not give great results compared to invite friends. You also invite close friends and at work to collect donations.

Unfortunately, after a few times you try to raise funds, given the response was not what you expect. Not many people who contributed, or could be embarrassed for not knowing. There also are complaining, lazy accounted for because it felt forced. Well, it's good if you apply the following trick, so that donations can be successful raiser and people in need will be able to help:

1. Explain in detail
Do not just come to your friends and ask for accounts with a short sentence in a tone of armed robbery, "For the victims of the earthquake, here." Describe the conditions that you know about the disaster, and help you collect what you want to be given to the victims. Likewise, when you invite colleagues to venture to raise money to give to someone in the office of the newly stricken. Tell them what kind of calamity that befell, and what impact that will be donated to the people. Show how much you sympathize with this incident, and then invite people to give donations.

2. Take advantage of technology
Send an e-mail to friends or the nearest office colleagues. Make sure it seemed friendly and not pushy, yes. Send your e-mail in the morning, when people had just started working. It will get a response faster than sending it the afternoon, because at that time many people did not want to think about anything else other than the home office.

3. Do not specify the numbers
Maybe someone will ask you, how he should contribute. To that end, always insist that your call is no minimum or maximum use rates, and not force. Also, do not also determine whether it should be in-kind donations or cash. In essence, accept any form of donation.

4. Do not be picky person
As you will raise funds, please let everyone you know. Do not be too selective in sending e-mail, for example because you remember the person was never accounted for. Or, as the person you think is not going to want to contribute. There is always a first time for charity to others, and you'll never know when it happened. Therefore, stick to the principle, the more you know, the more you contribute.

5 Secrets of the highest-paid women

no one is born to be a CEO, or president of a national company. That there are people who learn and work hard to occupy that position. Not easy for women to achieve positions and high salaries, but those who succeed are the special tricks have to achieve it. You want to know how to achieve this position and defend it?

1. Make sure your partner has always been committed to you, and your success
Angela Ahrendts, CEO Burberry and mother of three children, said, "My success did not happen this way if Gregg is not willing to take some great opportunities." The husband was willing to sell the business contractors in New York, and moved to the outskirts of London to be the father households.

2. Be yourself
Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo CEO bleed India, is one of the female CEOs with the highest salaries. While attending his first interview, he remains confident wearing saris. Until now, the winner of the first order of Most Powerful Woman in Business for 2009 and 2010 (Forbes) is still often wear saris to attend corporate events.

3. Your name is a brand, keep with the rest of your life!
Once you've gained the confidence to hold a particular office or position, always keep your good name. "I am very careful with the brand itself. Bowl that said my name, I am the one who designed it," said Rachael Ray, chef earn 18 million dollars a year (Forbes magazine, June 2008).

4. No need to waste energy fighting the enemy
Competition in the world of work is very hard. If not able to compete, "players" will be quickly replaced by new faces. Not infrequently, people will be dropped because of political office or merely dislike. In the entertainment world was not much different situation. "I can not expect everyone loves whatever I do," says Beyonce Knowles.

5. No store guilt
Working mothers generally feel guilty when I had to leave children at home. According to Andrea Jung, Chairman and CEO of Avon Cosmetics, this attitude must be abandoned. "I used to feel guilty. If you're with children, I feel guilty with the office, and if I am in the office, I feel guilty with the children. But that was then. I learned that as a working mother we can not do everything, and that certainly not in one day. You can find a balance. "

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

5 Strategies for Choosing Safe Toys and games

Listed below are 5 strategies for choosing safe toys and games, this holiday or even any moment from the year:

1. Become a label reader. This is essential to find out beyond the toy and see the packaging. Search for “nontoxic” on something that has art materials, for example crayons, paints, clay-based, etc. Also, make certain paints are anti lead. Any children’s precious jewelry must have ASTM F2923 within the label, meaning it is often tested and it has met the rules established through the ASTM International (previously American Society to get Testing and Product).

2. Keep age group in your mind. While it might be tempting to buy toys outside the child’s recommended age group, it might be dangerous. Age recommendations exist due to potential harm that could exist. Stay with buying toys inside the child’s age bracket to assist minimize risks.

3. Obtain the gear. Buying a new skateboard, bicycle or other like device might be exciting, but except if children has got the gear that complements it, there might be a safety risk. Always buy the safety gear which is required to opt for this kind of item, for example helmets, knee patches, goggles, etc.

4. Evaluate electronics. This is that kids under age eight not need electronic toys, simply because they could pose lose hazards. Also, almost all electronics must have the “UL” image within the package, meaning they've been safety tested by Underwriters Laboratories.

5. Thrift carefully. Many parents that are cash-strapped this holiday break may visit thrift stores in order to find toy presents for his or her kids. There might be great bargains inside thebin, but there might also be potential safety dangers. It really is difficult to understand which toys might have been recalled, that are no longer working properly, or the recommended ages for every toy. Always reduce risks by carefully checking the item over and through carrying out a quick online research concerning the item, that ought to help provide information on recommended ages as well as past recalls.

4 Ways to Respond to Men Flirt

Every man has a different style of seduction, which also influenced his personality. The survey conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Kansas, led by Dr. Jeffrey Hall of 5100 adults aged correspondent, shows how to seduce men also showed the desired relationship type to the front.

If you liked him, but really not comfortable with the style rayuannya, consider a great way to respond so that the relationship is maintained.

1. Flirt classical
The moment he began to show classic woo, pay attention to pick up your hearts. His behavior also began to change, from cool to super attention. He also showed its dominance, as the party chasing women adored.

Well, face this type of guy, you need more frequent exchange ideas. What kind of relationship he wanted, while also conform to the rules of the game his own. In fact men of this type would require a lot of dair you, unless you love her sincerity.

2. Flirt palpable
The he tends to convey the content of his heart, clearly without rambling. Said love was easy for him.

If you like it, simply say "I do" as he expressed love. Do not easily believe the term is easy come easy go. Although he easily expressed love, does not mean he can not faithful. Note the importance of, you also need faithful.

3. Flirt rag
Clearly a notch above seduction, seduce men in this way tends to give even a touch of romantic drama in rayuannya and incarannya perlakukannya against women.

The term too much love Will kill you has a point. If indeed he did not show seriousness and just happy to brag course, you should not need to play hearts. Love a man who really loves you sincerely more fun, right?

4. Flirt polite
Men of this type tend to be shy convey his feelings. The language tends to be polite. You need to be more aggressive against him.

Being pretentious hard to actually not just to see what earnestness this type of man. Try to approach and communicate with it more intense. That way, he will be more open about his feelings toward you.

Getting successful, Women Getting Vulnerable to Acne

Acne skin problems were not a teenager. Those who have entered the age of mid 20's, even more, are also still able to experience this. The causes of pressure when it came to career path, so the researchers say that the more successful you are in the office, you will be more prone to acne.

According to dermatology experts from Nantes University Hospital, about 50 percent of women are facing skin problems in adulthood, although as a teenager they have never had acne. The experts believed that adult acne is caused by the stress of success.

When stressed, the female body releases hormones that trigger male production of more oil. This has resulted in the pores become clogged. Likelihood of women experiencing acne three times more than men, because women's skin is more sensitive to male hormones.

"For many women, acne can arise later when they have to balance time between family and career at the same time," said Dr. Susannah Baron of Canterbury Hospital.

The experts also said that the teen acne differs from acne in their 20s, in which adult acne is growing deeper under the skin. Thus, acne is not just a spread in the usual T area.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Enchanting Smile Secret of Kate Middleton

When appearing in public, The Duchess of Cambridge showcased never forget his smile is gorgeous, with a row of white teeth and neat. No need to wonder, because Kate Middleton reportedly chose Didier Fillion, dental experts from France, who specializes in mold forming the mouth into the shape of the jaw.

 Physicians who practice in Wimpole Street was not only able to whiten teeth and smooth, but also do micro-rotation. The treatment, the tooth rotated slightly so that the natural line of the teeth broken. Fillion ordinary transparent braces on the back teeth. But according to him, the micro-rotation can be done quickly by filing and painting the existing tooth enamel, or by adding a layer of porcelain.

Actually, Kate's tooth imperfections that actually makes her smile charming. His teeth are not really flat, and it makes it look natural. "The problem is, Americans have a very artificial vision. He did a bit of micro-rotation on Kate Middleton to produce something that is natural. That's what we like, smile a healthy natural, not artificial," said Bernard Touati, a dentist who is also co- Fillion.

Fillion said that the micro-rotation procedure can take six months to two years, at a cost of about 4000-11000 pounds (about USD 56 million - USD 155 million). Fillion, who did not confirm or deny whether she was a patient, offering special services that are not owned by another dentist, ie let the patient know what the teeth after the treatment.

"We have the software, so if you say, 'I do not like my teeth, can you change it?', Then I can change it," said Fillion, as contained in its website.

According to him, every patient is unique, because it has a medical history, care, and his own dreams. Therefore, he felt compelled to understand what the expectations of patients with undergoing orthodontic treatment at his clinic. Fillion continued,

"I also tried to create a fun environment, the atmosphere is cozy and warm, so I could start a good relationship, and make the patient's orthodontic experience to be successful. A treatment will only be successful if the patients themselves who are satisfied with the outcome, that is when his smile into a smile in dreams ...."

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Signature has a meaning


We can recognize a person's personality by analyzing handwriting, such as form letters, spaces writings, and others. Apparently, your signature can also display the personality. Position your signature on a piece of paper showing what you want to present yourself.

Professional handwriting analyst, Mita Rosette Taufik, in his book Step by Step Analyzing Character and Potential through Handwriting explain the meaning of the location of the signature.

On the left close to text
When writing a personal letter on a sheet of paper, especially if the intention to create a positive impression, you should not signing autographs on the left close to text.

position of the signature on the upper left near this text indicates that you are not too dare express yourself, often pessimistic, and lack of trust toward others.

On the right side close to text
The location of the sign in the upper right hand near the text indicates that you are smart, reliable, and honest. If your signature is clearly legible, it also shows what kind of personality you are.

Below, right or left, apart from the text
written signature far from the text, either in right or left, shows that you're shy and feel alienated. If you add certain signs, the location of this signature also indicates that you are frustrated.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Saving to Purchase Expensive Items

Everyone will want to buy a house or car. However, the price may be very
expensive. so, desires be forgotten. In fact, anyone can own a car,
dream house, and other expensive items. Long as they know how, that is
by planning. Here are tips-tricks.

Decide the priority and the price
everyone should be aware of the financial condition. In addition, the
necessary of planning, not all desires or needs could be fulfilled
quickly. For expensive items, I suggest that those requirements are
grouped by priority and the price.

Specifies the priority based on what urgently needed when it is
important. A courier, for example, the priority needs is most likely the
two-wheeled vehicles. Different from the office workers, may need for
the vehicle is less important because the most important is the shelter.
It is not possible after the need for home and vehicle are met, the
priority was shifted to electronic goods. Each family must be
prioritized based on something more important needs.

Quite often we are confused which one to buy first, vehicle or home. If
both are equally important, we can classify them based on price,
starting the most expensive, moderate, and inexpensive. For example, a
fairly expensive homes and vehicles, are fairly moderate, electronic
goods. While inexpensive, household appliances, or clothing, and other
simple needs.

5 Ways to prevent from belly fat

You have just bought a new dress, a dress with a suitable fabric in the
body. The plan, you will wear at the wedding of a friend. But when
trying on clothes, you stare in horror the mirror, see the belly.
Finally, the dress was not so used, and only kept in the closet, if you
dare wear it then you are considered to be pregnant by my friends that
greet you!

Distended stomach can indeed be a disaster one reason is food.
Therefore, take the following five quick way to prevent abdominal fat
come back.

1. Choose foods rich in potassium
Potassium helps maintain fluid balance in the body, so it is not easy to
stomach bloating. There are so many foods with high potassium content.
such as melons, mangoes, for vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes,
asparagus, and beans.

2. Avoid soda
Carbonated drinks can also make your stomach becomes bloated. Jeannie
Gazzaniga-Moloo, RD, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association,
recommends to drink more water and stay away from carbonated beverages.

3. Limit sugar
Some people have problems in digesting artificial sugars, which can
result in disorders such as gas and diarrhea, so says Patricia Raymond,
MD, a gastroenterologist from Chesapeake. If you suspect you are one of
them, the better you reduce sugar.

4. Anticipation of pre-menstrual syndrome
If you tend to feel more "swollen" before or during menstruating, make
sure you get enough calcium and magnesium every day. Both can help
relieve symptoms of PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), one of which is
bloated and distended abdomen.

5. consuming probiotics
"Good" bacteria may be consumed on a regular basis and can keep you from
bloated and distended stomach, says Gazzaniga-Moloo. In fact, the
consumption of "good" bacteria can also help women with irritable bowel
syndrome disorder, whose symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating,
constipation, and diarrhea.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Secrets Beauty of Kate Winslet

Los Angeles-As one angel Hollywood, beauty and acting Kate Winslet is no doubt. Even at his age that is now at the age of 36 and with two daughters, a woman who had just made ​​wax by Madame Tussauds wax museum is still looking beautiful.

In an interview with InStyle for the December issue later, she confessed the secret of beautiful appearance helped two influential women in the world, Kate Middleton and Victoria Beckham. From Kate Middleton, Kate said that she was the same as Prince William's wife, who chooses and her own makeup when going to perform at an event.

"I like my own makeup. I believe 'is the excess deficiency ", Some time I wear long-sleeved gown made ​​by Victoria Beckham, with a mix of small gold belt in front. I know curly hair will be lost in the dress, so I chose a ponytail style with a little extra up front, it makes everything looks integrated. "Kate Winslet, as reported by the Daily Mail, Monday (14/11/2011).

The habit of her own makeup for her benefit. Women who often get the award this film a better understanding of how your should look pretty for the people around him.

"Glamorous is how to look elegant and understated. For example, with thick lipstick that you can no longer beautify your face, but with a brighter color, then only dengna mascara and keep other parts clean everything will look perfect. "Said the woman who for 20-year career in the film world has been married twice this.

Risk using fake false eyelashes

Eyelashes long and tapering regarded as the perfect eyelashes, so that women often use false eyelashes to get that appearance. But according to a study, it turns out false eyelashes that often we use can damage your original lashes.

A beauty surgeon, Dr. Bessam Farjo, said that lately he had a lot handling of patients with "bald" in the upper eyelashes due to the use of false eyelashes. This relates to the use of recent trends lashes, lashes with the double layers. However, Dr Farjo said there are certain conditions that will cause damage to the original lashes.

"Hair loss on the original eyelashes false eyelashes due to the use of this will happen when you use the lashes all day, with double layers, and not release it properly," he added.

When you do not clean properly adhesive glue, this glue can cause irritation of the eyelids when you sleep. When you want to clean it the next day, eyelashes and real hair around the eyelids will also uprooted some and will eventually ruin your appearance.

"If you use them properly, and clean it properly, and do not use it all day, then everything will be okay," he said.

Monday, November 14, 2011

5 Millionaire who are not school graduate

School is of course important, at least as a handle for a career in the
future. However, when you are forced to quit school due to some reason,
does not mean you do not have the opportunity to progress and success.
Of the five figure this billionaires below and some even dropped out of
junior high school. However, persistence and hard work to make their
entry in the list of richest people in Forbes magazine. Dared to imitate
their steps?

Richard Branson
This eccentric man no longer continue the school at the age of 16 years.
At that time he founded the record store with home delivery, which later
became the record companies and music stores Virgin Records. Branson's
current wealth is not only derived from the music store, but also about
200 other companies, including airlines, music festivals, and cell
phones, which are spread across 30 countries. Net profit is estimated to
6.8 billion U.S. dollars.

Carl Lindner, Jr.
This billionaire dropped out of school because they have to work to send
milk to dairy processing plant owned by his family. In 1984, Lindner
bought Chiquita Brands International (formerly known as United Fruit
Company and United Brands Company) and run it until 2001. His net worth
estimated at 1.7 billion U.S. dollars.

Francois-Henri Pinault
Before holding a license for famous brands such as Gucci, Samsonite,
Puma, and Christie's auction house, actress Salma Hayek's husband was
forced to quit school in 1947. At that time he had worked in his
father's lumber mill. Now, Pinault not have to dirty their hands again,
especially with the wealth which reached 8.7 billion U.S. dollars.

Kirk Kerkorian
One of the richest people in Beverly Hills is known as the king of the
resort and the city of Las Vegas contributed to build up as it is now.
However, Kerkorian actually pull out of school in eighth grade to reach
his goals as an amateur boxer. Now, the CEO of Tracinda Corporation has
accumulated a wealth of up to 3.1 billion U.S. dollars.

Amancio Ortega
He was the founder of Industria de Diseno Textil (Inditex), which has a
royal fashion brands, like Zara, Kiddy's Class, and Massimo Dutti. He no
longer go to school at the age of 14 years due to co-run T-shirt shop
owned by his parents. At the age of 39 years, he opened his first store
which later evolved into a chain store Zara. Ortega is now the richest
man in Spain with a fortune of 31 billion U.S. dollars.

Sarah Burton Elected as Designer of the Year

London - The popularity of the dress worn by Kate Middleton at the wedding last April helped raise the name of the creator, Sarah Burton.

Thanks to dress well, the woman who became one confidant Alexander McQueen, some time ago took the title of Designer of the Year version of the magazine Harper's Bazaar.

Sarah Burton award follows the title of Best Dresses Woman version of the same magazine, which won by Kate Middleton some time ago. Sarah Burton gown worn by Kate Middleton and bridesmaid, Pippa Middleton did manage to steal the attention of many people in the world, even to the dress style is imitated many people in the world.

According to reports from Female First, between Sarah Burton and the dress itself has a unique story. When he was done making the white dress, no one person who knows, whether it's a close friend, or family of Sarah Burton. It was revealed a few days sebeluma marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton held.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

5 Magic Word to Satisfy the Man Ego

You've heard it, that women speak three times more than men. So if you speak 20,000 words a day, he's just say 7000 words. However, whether the sentences that came from your lips really is something he wants to hear?

While I was chatting intimately with the man you love, or even her husband of five years of marriage with you, make sure you just say a sentence or comments that mattered to him. You know that men want to always be needed, or wanted to be useful for his partner. If you submit the following five sentences, we can be sure his ego will always be satisfied.

1. "Then what happened?"
Every person naturally wants his life to be interesting. Therefore, when talking to the guy you like, do not let you cut him off, change the subject, or wiggle your feet as a sign of boredom. Avoid also repeatedly say, "Oh, so ...." Please comment more active, like, "Ah, you're kidding! After that, what are you doing?" Thus, he will know that you sincerely want to know him further.

2. "It's great!"
You must have watched a man who feels very meaningful when finally promoted at work, or successfully address the problem on his computer without the help of information technology staff. Whatever he does, if by chance you know, do not hesitate to satisfy his ego by praising his efforts. For example, "Jeez, how could you you beat him? He's good at ...." Your comments will make it hover forgot to land again on earth.

3. "Thank you."
Speech is very simple, but sometimes forgotten. Just because you felt it was close to him, then you consider what it does is as it should (so no need to be appreciated). Say thank you if he will praise your appearance when attending a friend's wedding reception together. Say thank you when he buy you dinner. Thank you so much lead up to the house safely. He will feel very appreciated.

4. "What do you do when not working?"
Fun job, position is important, of course is the pride of a man. Especially if he has many other interests outside of work life. Whether he liked tinkering with cars, playing guitar, has a side business, or photography. Try to find out what the passion of a man, who had not previously been revealed. You will get a full picture of himself as a person, and not just what he did to earn money. And he will be happy to share the deepest dreams.

5. "I was wondering something."
As a single woman, you may be accustomed to doing everything yourself. You even feel no need of a man's help to find a place that you want to go, for example. But remember once again, men want to always feel needed. So the opportunity to give an opinion or support for women who loved him will be very meaningful. Therefore, even though you actually get used to own, ask for opinions about the gadget you want to buy. Ask his opinion about the complicated situation that you face with your boss. Avoid asking about the color of clothes that suit you, whom his ex, or to be more to know about the things under their control.

Basil, Oregano, and Other Italian Seasoning

One of the typical Italian food is on the use of cheese and herb-scented rempahnya sharp and fragrant. What spice can make a very delicious Italian cuisine when eaten?

1. Basil. Leaf spice this one has an almost similar to the aroma of basil leaves. The form was similar, although the texture is thicker than the leaves of basil. Usually the basil leaves are used to flavor enhancer in pasta, various preparations of fish, or salads.

2. Thyme (thyme). The leaves actually came from Egypt. The trunk small but sturdy and tough. Usually used as a mixture of thyme leaves in a variety of dishes such as soups and roasts. In making soup stock, leaves are usually accompany onion, carrots, scallions, and parsley.

3. Oregano. Known also as marjoram, spice is commonly grown in the Mediterranean region, Central and South Asia. Fresh oregano leaves basil leaves similar at first glance, but has a distinctive aroma and sharper. Oregano can be found in the fresh leaf or powder form. Oregano powder is more often used as an extra spice to the manufacture of pizza and spaghetti.

4. Sage. Sage can also be used in the form of fresh or dried. This sage has the form of a rather lengthy and included in the shrubs. It was slightly spicy and bitter, but it smells good. The addition of sage in cooking is usually to eliminate the fishy smell, and adding fragrance to the preparation offerings. In Italy, the sage is usually used as a topping in Minestrone soup and osso buco.

5. Rosemary. Seasoning leaves this one is very easy to recognize, because it has a tapered shape such as pine needles. However, the aroma is sharp and slightly bitter taste. The leaves are often used as fragrances, soups, roasts, marinade or seasoning.

6. Cilantro. This leaves in Indonesia better known as coriander leaves. Fragrant aroma is usually used to add flavor dishes such as soups.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Four Popular Glasses Types

LOS ANGELES - Many trends obtained from the world of celebrities and then spread to a wide audience, one of them big glasses trend. The object is to 'rescue' for the celebrity world to hide from the paparazzi. Understandably big glasses have almost half the size of someone's face. If in the celebrity world, big glasses helped them 'hide' from the paparazzi, then a wide audience among objects is usually used to protect the eyes from UV rays.

Big glasses popular in the 1960's, when Jackie Kennedy Onassis, widow of President John F. Kennedy wore large sunglasses. Since then the big glasses became popular among young Americans.

Until now, the popularity of big glasses maintained. Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie are two examples of celebrities who look pretty wearing large sunglasses.

Until now, the big sunglasses trend has evolved into different styles like aviators, wayfarers, and turtles, together with classic Jackie Onassis glasses.

Four major types of glasses that will be discussed below. Jackie O sunglasses classic in the memory of the first woman. These glasses are suitable in all situations and will make you look chic and classy. The shape is oval, but those that are rectangular.

Next is the sunglasses tortoise shells. Glasses of this type is very suitable subject women with golden hair or red. Then there's aviator sunglasses are Ray Ban first designed in 1936 for U.S. military use.

Aviator sunglasses have gained great popularity, and became the best selling sunglasses. In aviator sunglasses have lenses large grain tear-shaped and thin metal frames.

In addition aviator sunglasses, Ray Ban wayfarer sunglasses also design initially sized. Wayfarer glasses became popular in the 1960's, when decomposed into great shape and colored lenses.

Big glasses not only can provide celebrity style and look fashionable, but also effectively protects you from harmful UV rays.

Breast enlargement with Body Fat

Not all women have beautiful breasts and proportionate. No wonder so manywomen who make efforts to have beautiful breasts, from injections to surgerypemberasan silicone breasts or breast implants. Unfortunately, not all women's bodies are able to receive a foreign object implanted in the body, thereby potentiallycausing various diseases of the body.

For this reason, Ultimo & Aesthetic Dental Center, beauty facial and dental clinic,presenting the latest innovations in plastic surgery technology, namely stem cellbreast augmentation techniques. This technology is expected to eliminate theconcerns of women of various side effects after undergoing breast augmentation procedure.

"Steam cell breast augmentation is one of the procedures in plastic surgerytechnology by using the body's own fat," said Dr. Enrina Diah, SpBP, plasticsurgeon at the media gathering in Ultimo, Asia Plaza, road General Sudirman,Jakarta, Thursday (10 / 11/2011) ago.

Body fat is processed specifically for stem cell is taken. Fat body is long been known as the richest tissue with stem cells (stem cells). Intended use of stem cells is to increase the resilience of the fat is transferred to the breast, and improve thequality of breast tissue including the skin to stimulate skin regeneration.

The use of stem cells from fat tissue of the body this makes the risk due to foreign objects such as capsular contracture is no longer encountered. It also will not leavescars that are formed in breast tissue.

"The form is generated in this way becomes more supple and natural. With this technique, the breast can be enlarged up to 1 1 / 2 cup to 2 cups,"